Cultivating Creativity/Hero's Journey Workshop

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
C. G. Jung

The next workshop begins June 2025.  

The workshop is a six week, experiential workshop for artists and other creative individuals who want to: 

  • Boost Artistic Confidence

  • Overcome Creative Blocks and Work More Efficiently

  • Understand Your Personal Creative Style

  • Ignite Your Creativity

  • Discover Dream Symbols and Meanings

  • Enjoy and Play

    The Cultivating Creativity/Hero's Journey Workshop offers a safe space for artists to rekindle their creative curiosity and embrace a playful artistic process. Through various exercises, participants dive into their unconscious and dreams to enhance their creativity, confidence, and productivity. We base our approach on Carl G. Jung's insights into artists and use depth psychology to explore the mind and its symbols. Jung's Active Imagination technique and dream exploration help artists gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their craft.

Call (310) 384-0086 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to explore if this is a good fit for you.